Technology Write For Us (Guest Post) – Tech, Social Media, Business, Marketing, Gadgets, AI, IoT, Big Data, VoIP


"Technology Write For Us" to is a universal platform for tech-related news such as trends and updates in the latest technology, reviews on newly launched gadgets, the Internet of things, tips, and strategies on digital marketing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, practicable Business ideas, etc.

Our website is a perfect platform for brilliant tech writers, insightful authors, enthusiastic bloggers, competent content writers, tech professionals, business bees to contribute a guest post and reveal your expertise on tech topics to our avid audience who are passionately questing.

Our prime purpose is to provide our readers with accurate, genuine, sensible, and factual content on technology. Technology and its branches are evergreen concepts with frequent innovations and developments. Techies and non-techies constantly explore the Internet to get aware of the latest inventions and solutions and get updated to lead a forward-looking life.

If you are confident that you can absorb our smart readers into your impressive and intriguing guest posts, we welcome you aboard to associate with us to make the journey more exciting. You can contact us through our official email id to submit your well-researched posts. Mention the subject as 'Technology write for us' or 'write for us technology' and do not forget to add a few lines about yourself.

But before that, we would like you to glimpse the following criterion required in writing a guest post for our website.

Benefits Of Writing A Guest Post To Tech Buzz Update – Technology Write For Us

Many interesting factors help you get benefitted through a guest post contribution.

  • We are a well-established tech website with an international reckoning. So your articles get global exposure as they are read by people all over the world.
  • You can get a backlink that helps you to get more traffic to your site.
  • We share your article on all our social media platforms.
  • There are definite chances to get great recognition among your peers if you continuously work with us.

Topics On Technology Write For Us

  • Nanotechnology
  • Data Integration
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cyber Security
  • Science and Technology and many more.

Topics On Business Write For Us

  • Data security
  • Outsourcing
  • Brand awareness
  • Job sculpting
  • Organography
  • Short-term financing
  • Telemarketing
  • Employee coaching and many more.

Topics On Gadgets Write For Us

  • Gaming Gadgets
  • Popular Mobile Phones
  • Unboxing Reviews
  • Smart TV’s
  • Technology and Gadget Reviews
  • On PC/Laptops
  • Smart Watches and many more.

Topics On Digital Marketing Write For Us

  • WhatsApp Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Digital Copywriting
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Advertising and many more.

Write For Us Technology - Guest Post Guidelines


  • The content is the heart of the article. So, make sure it is well-researched, detailed, candid, and systematically presented.
  • The article must be free of plagiarism. It must contain a minimum of 900 words, and there is no maximum number as they depend on your ability and the concept you chose.
  • Use attractive and apt titles and subtitles that give the gist of the content beneath them.
  • Include 3 to 4 original images that are free from copyrights. Related images enhance the understanding of the concept.
  • Make a thorough check of the article to avoid grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Add the author bio at the end of the article in around 100 words, along with a backlink.


  • Do not attempt to submit the articles already published on another website or copied from other sources.
  • Do not add promotional links or affiliate links or broken links. Our platform is not for the promotional purpose of your brand or product.
  • Do not write articles irrelevant to the technology niche.
  • Do not use copyright-protected images and poor-quality pictures.
  • Do not send posts encouraging unethical and antisocial elements.

Points To Be Noted Before Contributing An Article

Along with the above-given mandatory rules, the valid points listed below help you to create an excellent article.

  • Before writing an article, do keyword research that helps to rank better in the search engines.
  • Usage of original and authentic infographics is appreciable.
  • Make use of tools like ‘Grammarly to check for grammatical errors.
  • The inclusion of catchy headings and subheadings is advantageous.
  • Pitch your article on the concept and avoid unnecessary illustrations.

How To Submit Your Article To Tech Buzz Update

If you have created an authentic and innovative article following the above parameters, you can send it to our official email id

The article can be sent in the form of Microsoft word document or Google document. Once we receive your article, we will forward it to our technical team for verification. We will reach you within 3 to 4 working days. We may alter the content wherever it is required as the right to make changes stays with us. Once everything is done, we will publish it on our site, and it stays with us forever. We will share the published link.

Tech Buzz Update encourages energetic and enthusiastic writers and is delighted to collaborate with high-spirited and dedicated authors. Hard work encircled with smart work is our motive of success. We welcome your suggestions, opinions and contributions that help to take our website a notch higher.

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