Why Do I Have A Slow Server? See 6 Common Reasons!

Why Do I Have A Slow Server See 6 Common Reasons!

Nothing is more frustrating than entering a web page, browsing social networks, or even trying to download and encountering a slow or frozen server. This causes stress and a great deal of annoyance for anyone trying to access the information.

This problem also affects organizations, whether large or small. The difficulty of accessing the system due to the slowness influences the employees, who end up getting stressed because they have goals and deadlines demanded by the managers. Therefore, IT is the sector responsible for solving the problem, which may generate extra expenses with network maintenance and support. Want to know more about the causes of a slow server? Read on!

What Are The Risks And Consequences Of Having A Slow Server?

Having a slow server can harm your company; after all, it can paralyze your business system and even make it difficult to access data and files that are important for decision-making. Not to mention that it can cause a loss of productivity and cause delays in the delivery of products or services provided.

Why Is It Important To Investigate The Causes Of This Slowdown?

The causes of server slowness should be investigated immediately after noticing the slowness. This is because it may make the Internet environment unstable, and some services may be interrupted. One of the best ways to troubleshoot this issue is to perform a system audit. In this way, it will be possible to locate the cause of this problem and act in the best possible way to repair the setbacks.

What Are The Reasons That Can Lead A Server To Be Slow?

Many people use a business server simultaneously because it has a lot of data stored, and several service requests can instantly be slow. Some factors trigger such a problem. See below what are the most common causes that can cause this misfortune!

Hardware Issues

The main reason for changes in performance is the system hardware. However, some physical components, such as memory, disk, CPU, and network adapters, can also have problems and fail.

The biggest cause of server performance problems can be called hard disk, for the vast majority, known as HD. It makes up the system and ensures that information is not lost when the computer is turned off.

Server hard disks are more likely to fail because they use moving mechanical parts and electromagnetic processes to read and write data. Therefore, when there is a drop in system performance, the main suspect is the hard drive.

Lack Of RAM

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory that stores information processed and accessed through the computer’s hard drive. It reads the files when requested, and randomly, it is available on the server that the more RAM it has, the more files and contents can be accessed at once.

This memory also speeds up the processing of necessary information and tasks. If there is little space available, access to data is restricted, and few activities can be performed at once. This can cause server slowdowns and crashes. The solution to this problem is installing more RAM and keeping equipment updated with new technologies.

Low HD Performance

The hard disk or HD (Hard Disk) or HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is the data storage device responsible for storing files, folders, databases, and information. Any problem in this item slows the process, and responses to file requests slow down.

When users try to access a folder, the HD finds the data and returns the content to the requesters. If performance is compromised, the response may take a while. IT managers should be aware of this detail.

A tip is to check read and write performance and input and output operations per second. The heating of the disk can also affect the HD, and, to prevent this from happening, the ideal is to install coolers or heatsink systems.

Low Processor Performance

The main element of the server is called the processor, and it is he who performs all the necessary actions and tasks, so if a problem occurs, it will consequently affect the entire server. One of the main problems with processors is that they cannot meet the requested demand, which most often happens because it is an inadequate model to meet the needs of an organization.

Thus, when this type of setback occurs, the information technology support needs to invest in a more powerful processor that adapts to the organization’s and its employees’ requirements, thus avoiding disorders in the delivery of work and the company’s routine.

The High Volume Of Hits

The high volume of accesses is also one of the causes of server slowdowns, as these devices have a certain storage and processing capacity. There is no way to determine the potential, as too many variables exist. Among them, we can mention:

  • the server configuration;
  • the processor;
  • the memory;
  • the network card;
  • the types of user requests.
  • It is important to remember that the most common cyberattacks are carried out by overloading this equipment. Therefore, planning is essential for access to be carried out correctly.

Inefficient Applications

A slow server can also be caused by software not responding as expected. Programs must undergo quality control when they are produced. The IT department must ensure that the software is efficient and delivers at least as expected.

So, now that you know what slows down a server be sure to evaluate your company’s machines.

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