Remote Work – Collaboration From (Almost) Anywhere

Remote Work - Collaboration From (Almost) Anywhere

Location-Independent Work Is The Trend

Don’t start your day-to-day work at a fixed workplace in the office, but at home, in a café or a co-working space? Manage virtual collaboration using digital tools? Do you work when you are most productive? This is already part of everyday life for many companies. More and more organizations are discovering remote work for themselves.

This form of work is not just a buzzword. Still, it has been an unstoppable megatrend since the corona pandemic at the latest, also in many German companies and even public authorities. It promises a better (work) life balance, more productivity, and a flexible working day.

Every Third Employee Worldwide Works Mobile

According to a study by CNBC, 70 percent of employees worldwide now work remotely at least one day a week. But what does remote work mean, what is the difference between home office, and where can I find small jobs?

What Does Remote Work Mean?

Remote work means not having a fixed place but rather doing one’s tasks independently of space – with flexible time management. This independence or flexibility means that the whole world becomes a “workplace”. Translated, the term “remote work” teleworking or telecommuting, and thus does not require a particular job.

Any place can – at least in theory – become a “mobile office”: your own four walls, your favorite café in the city, or the beach bar on Bali. However, there is no fixed definition of the concept, as every employee and organization can adapt the implementation to their own needs. The extent to which the freedoms go and the jointly agreed framework conditions must be determined individually. The term mobile office is synonymous with this.

Features Of Location-Independent Work

The ‘Remote Work’ concept does not only include location-independent work as a mobile office but is also characterized by self-determined tasks, digital communication, and virtual offices. There are new “freedoms” for employees and employers, which shape a new world of work. The development is driven by digitization and new work.

At New Work, the focus is on people. The values ​​include the right to co-determination, freedom, and independence. But the focus is also on bringing in your ideas and ongoing training. The main work of remote workers occurs in front of the laptop and on the phone—the most important fundamental requirement: a stable internet connection.

Remote Work Vs Home Office – These Are The Differences

Employees who work from anywhere are generally less involved in everyday office life. On the other hand, the home office concept is often about transferring the regular working hours and company processes from the office to your own home. This preserves the structure of everyday office life.

Classic Home Office

With the home office, a permanent workplace is created in the private area, including working hours agreed with the employer. Furthermore, many employees who work from home still can work in the office if necessary. For employees who are dissatisfied with the structures in the office, however, the home office offers less room for change.

At the same time, the home office now has a rather negative image. Frequent associations are a lack of concentration and discipline that evoke images such as work “out of bed” or a laptop between the laundry basket and the ironing board. On the other hand, remote work enjoys a more professional reputation due to its more explicit focus on its productivity.

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Remote Work Is Geared Towards Your Own Needs

In contrast to the home office, the remote worker lacks a permanent workplace. Perhaps you work more concentrated at your desk at home, but your creativity is stimulated by the hustle and bustle of co-working spaces like those in so-called smart cities? Then you can customize the way you work and work environment.

The employee himself decides on the place of work and how to organize the working day. Start earlier in the morning and take the afternoon off? The aim is to exploit the full potential to achieve the best possible results.

Remote Jobs: Where Can I Find Suitable Employment?

Anyone looking for remote work should read job advertisements correctly and carefully. Often there is talk of “homework”, which is not to be equated with remote work. If you are specifically looking for remote work, then the work should theoretically be possible from anywhere in the world. There are now specially designed job portals that specialize in small jobs.

New York Life

The job portal “New Work-Life” is – as the name suggests – specialized in new forms of work such as B. Remote work. The industries are spread across human resources, IT and marketing, product and project management, right through to editorial activities, service, and support. Full-time, part-time, freelance, and working student jobs are offered.


The job portal “DNXJobs” is also a popular contact point for digital nomads and jobs in the digital world. You can find a colorful selection of location-independent jobs in audio & video production, social media as a virtual assistant, or service sector. The jobs range from permanent positions to internships. Special skills and talents can be specifically presented and found under “Finding talent”.


On “GetRemote”, permanent positions are offered permanently or for a more extended period in the remote. Here, too, the job advertisements range from full-time positions to working student positions or mini-jobs. All job offers are sorted by their publication date.

Remote Ok

The job finder “Remoteok” is an international job portal for posting and finding jobs quickly and easily. Jobs are posted here mainly in software development, customer support, marketing, and design & UX. The portal can also be used free of charge.

Which Industries Are Location-Bound?

The work and lifestyle are already established in many industries and professions. The new form of work is often widespread, especially in the financial sector, such as accounting, online marketing, and IT. These are areas in which people mainly write, design, make phone calls or programs. Are there any industries in which location-independent work does not work? Yes, there are Doctors, retail salespeople, nurses, artisans, and many other service companies tied to their work on-site and cannot freely choose their workplace.

Tools & Technical Requirements

Working at any location or “feasibility” depends heavily on the tools available. Tools for video conferences, social networks, and collaboration software collect relevant information for all employees and are essential for teamwork.

These tools help with digital collaboration :

  • Infrastructure: A good internet connection is a basis for the concept of remote work.
  • Hardware: Laptop and company cell phone are part of the essential equipment
  • Software: Open chat for ongoing communication. This offers Slack, zoom or Skype.
  • VPN access is an advantage for dialing into the company network without any security risks.
  • Document management: Collaborative work in a document is offered, for example, by Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Project management tools: Project management software such as factor structures the distribution of tasks in the team.

Tips For Working Remotely

Transparent Communication

With remote work to success: only through transparent communication in the team. It is easier to discuss with the couple beforehand which digital tools are considered helpful and dispensed with. One thing is precise – digital tools only provide support when people share their knowledge with other remote workers.

Set Time Limits

Personal time management: A precisely structured time planning is underestimated, even without instructions from the employer. Those who do not set precise time limits usually work longer and do not necessarily create more. Another finding is that the average number of hours worked by remote workers increases.

Promote Team Culture Despite Location-Independent Work

Due to the lack of physical proximity, team spirit and the common goal can be lost. The team culture should be promoted regularly so that teamwork, unity, and communication within the company do not suffer. Digital tools for a simple exchange and team-building games and joint (virtual) events help here.

Five Helpful Tips For Working Anywhere

  1. Create rituals
  2. Schedule the day
  3. Communicate clearly
  4. Create a place of well-being
  5. Set clear goals

A clear structure for the working day is essential to schedule tasks and achieve the goals set in remote work. Daily rituals such as fixed lunch breaks help, even without a fixed place of work.

Conclusion: Flexible Work Only Works With The Structure

Remote work has become indispensable in the world of work. The concept expands the home office, which is now known in many places, with additional components and thus creates its form of work. It is mainly about the flexible organization of the day, tailored to the needs of the people. This includes a free choice of the place of work, a better adaptation to the personal situation and optimal use of the own high performance.

Every company defines the term “remote work” for itself. Some organizations are switching to it entirely; others are only introducing it temporarily. The subsequent success depends on many factors and is also a matter of type. This includes the necessary self-discipline, transparent communication with everyone involved and a clear structure.

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