Programs Switch Off Google Advertising: With The My Ad Center

Programs Switch Off Google Advertising With The My Ad Center

Advertising has always existed. It was then inserted in major daily newspapers, later as posters on house walls, and then on digital screens. And now they are mostly online. Online advertising has become indispensable. You will encounter advertisements everywhere on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube, and above all, on Google. Whenever you search the search engine for keywords, you will be presented with various advertisements in addition to the results. 

So far, so normal. However, this abundance of different ads and advertisements can get on your nerves in the long run. Google advertising, in particular, is quite present in the in-house newsfeed Discover, on YouTube and in the search engine itself. Many users feel disturbed by the continuous sound. Google wants to remedy this with the new My Ad Center.

Turn Off Google Chrome Ads

On the one hand, there is so much advertising on Google. The company makes a large part of its sales from it and sees it as a lucrative business model. Google is the most used search engine in the world. If a company wants to get more customers, a larger reach or generate more sales, it is therefore well advised to place Google advertising. Posting an ad on Google is money well invested and can positively impact your business. On the other hand, many users find the omnipresence of Google advertising annoying. 

It’s impossible to google anything, read the news, or watch video clips without being bombarded with many ads. Google has taken on this problem and is introducing the My Ad Center. This should give users more control over what is shown to them. How user-friendly is the My Ad Center? Can users switch off Google advertising completely, or can it at least be reduced? We provide answers to the most important questions.

Disable Advertising On Google: With My Ad Center

To anticipate one thing right away: You cannot completely deactivate Google advertising. Instead, My Ad Center helps you determine which ads you see, which you don’t, and what data is used about you. In the My Ad Center, for example, you can completely switch off personalized ads. As a result, you will continue to be shown advertising, but no longer based on your user data.

If you don’t want it to be so radical, you can also throttle the number of personalized ads under Customize. The plus and minus signs make determining how much of a particular advertisement you see relatively easy. The more plus or minus you have selected, the higher or lower the probability of encountering special advertising topics. However, this applies not only to topics but also to individual brands. For example, if you are fed up with a certain brand, you can downvote it so that you will see it less often in the future. 

There is also a list of sensitive topics such as pregnancy or gambling. These topics can be left out if desired, so they are no longer displayed. Also, you can view and review all recently shown advertisements in a carousel under Home. In short: Google gives you a powerful tool to more precisely control what you see in the future, what you do not and what data you use.

Google Settings For Advertising

Are you annoyed by ads? Google wants to create a remedy with My Ad Center. With My Ad Center (coming later this year), Google wants to give you more control over what is displayed daily. Google is busy and has a hand in many services and websites, and accordingly, there is also a lot of Google advertising. The My Ad Center allows you to restrict or control Google advertising in three areas.

  1. Google search engine
  2. Discover Feed
  3. YouTube

The search engine Discover and YouTube are among the most used Google services. That means: With the My Ad Center, you get an important tool that allows you to influence important Google programs and their advertising use. In the search engine, you will see advertisements in the form of search results. Depending on what keyword you’ve searched Google for, you’ll see results (right at the top) that are ads. These are full-fledged search results. But on the contrary. 

It is common for these hits to be a great help and provide you with exactly the information or services you need. Nevertheless, this is classic Google advertising. You will also be shown advertisements in the Discover Feed. Google Discover is Google’s in-house news feed originally designed for Android. Meanwhile, iOS users can also access it. Google Discover is primarily intended for mobile use and can be used via Chrome or the Google app. 

The feed will be displayed to you there. Just like the Google search engine, Google Discover also contains a variety of advertisements. The video platform YouTube (also Google) is no exception and shows you advertising or sponsored video clips based on your search queries. The My Ad Center will help you control the advertising content in Discover and YouTube search engines. This should give you more say in what you see and don’t see.

Google: Disable Personalized Advertising On Android Phones And iPhones

Google’s My Ad Center works with both Android systems and iPhones. No matter which operating system you use, with the My Ad Center, you can determine which personalized advertising is allowed and which is not and deactivate them accordingly. In My Ad Center, there is a Privacy option. Below this, demographic data such as education, relationship status and age can be added or removed. Delete all information here to deactivate personalized advertising on your Android or iPhone.

Google Is Moving Away From Cookies When It Comes To Advertising

You may have noticed it some time ago: Google no longer uses cookies. The small text modules provide information about where, when and how long you were on a website. This means: Google no longer stores user information about you. After all, the My Ad Center manages nothing other than Google advertising based on your data. The new technology is called FLoC. The term stands for “Federated Learning of Cohorts” and roughly translates to “bundled research of cohorts”. 

This means: Instead of tracking the traffic of individual users, user groups are tracked instead. The decisive difference from before Your user data, such as IP address, location and behavior on a website, is no longer attributed to you personally. Instead, FLoC explores user groups with common interests. 

Also Read: 5 Google Ads Tips: What You Need to Start Advertising and Selling

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