Marketing and advertising are now an integral part of any company. Because if you want to sell, you have to draw attention to yourself. Competition is particularly fierce online. But how do you manage to avoid getting lost in the crowd? We’ll show you a few really outstanding practical examples of unique marketing!
Unique marketing literally means “unique marketing,” and that basically says it all. Creating unique advertising for your company means being the dazzling rainbow fish in the herring school.
Of course, it still pays off to use tried-and-tested marketing methods such as placing advertisements, distributing flyers, or running radio spots. Everything can be something other than extraordinary because you can’t constantly reinvent the wheel. But brainstorming to find an excellent idea for your marketing is worth it—let your creativity run wild!
Sometimes, a good slogan is enough to leave a lasting impression. “Stinginess is cool” because “you get help” and good marketing “gives you wings”—well, does that ring a bell? But unique marketing is not just about the content; it is also about the appearance of your advertising. The goal is to stand out by any means possible.
This is the only way you can really stand out from the crowd and stay in the memory of your potential customers (preferably in a positive way, of course). This is also referred to as “guerrilla marketing.” By the way, good old word-of-mouth propaganda also comes into play here. Anyone who sees an excellent advertisement will tell their family or friends about it. This is how you get into conversation with your company and your brand.
Pictures say more than a thousand words. So, no more long talk; we’ll show you a few remarkable examples of successful, unique marketing that you’ll definitely remember for a long time.
In 2009, Colgate, in collaboration with Y&R Thailand, showed how you can use giveaways effectively and with a natural aha effect. Instead of giving out free product samples in the form of small tubes of toothpaste, Colgate gave out lollipops and ice cream to children in Thailand.
It sounds strange at first.
Distribute sugary sweets if you want to sell dental care products. The highlight of this funny marketing campaign came to light when the children finished the lollipop or ice cream: the stick was a toothbrush with the inscription “Don’t forget” and the Colgate logo.
How many of the children and parents thought of the Colgate toothbrush handle the next time they saw ice cream? A significant effect for a small price!
Ever heard of the “internship of a lifetime”? In 2015, the travel portal launched this exceptional campaign for the first time and thus generated a lot of attention. People were able to apply for the internship of a lifetime, where they would travel around the world for free for up to six months. covered the costs for flights, trips, accommodation, etc.; in return, the intern shared all travel experiences on social media.
With this, has not only made a name for itself on the web and in the press and thereby strengthened its brand, but engagement in the social media community has also gone through the roof. Particularly impressive: Admittedly, such marketing campaigns require a specific budget that you may not have in your company. But you definitely have partners with whom you work: suppliers, organizers, banks, etc. Get them on board for smaller campaigns, too. You not only share the costs but also the advertising effect.
Many people like to play. Ritter Sport has taken advantage of this and set up a tool on its website with which users can put together their chocolate creations. With just a few clicks, you can create creative varieties that suit your taste, and if you’re lucky, Ritter Sport will even add this variety creation to its range!
All variety creations created by users can be viewed in a gallery. Anyone can give a like or comment or be inspired to create their variety. Although nothing concrete comes out of this campaign for users (except that their type makes it into the range and you can actually buy it in the store), that doesn’t diminish the success of this marketing measure. Ritter Sport’s “Sorten Creation” has been around since 2013, and over 23,000 creations were submitted by users within the first two years. With this marketing campaign, Ritter Sport achieves several goals:
The cost-benefit factor of this marketing strategy is sound. In the beginning, investments were made in the development of “Variety Creation,” and since then, the tool has basically been a self-starter (aside from improvements, bug fixes, etc.).
When it comes to marketing and advertising, you can let your creativity run wild. Keep your eyes open, and let yourself be inspired. No matter whether you use giveaways, promotions, or competitions, the more eye-catching, the better. Stand out from the crowd and secure your place in the minds of your (potential) customers. Become unique with unique marketing!
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