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Pinterest As A Marketing Tool

Unlike Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, where users are there to be entertained or informed, on Pinterest, the motivation is to be inspired. This makes the use of the platform lossless constant. 

According to a survey, nearly 50% of total Pinterest users are classified as light users, accessing the platform weekly or monthly versus daily, with only 7.3% considered heavy users.

If on Instagram, users check their feed several times a day; on Pinterest, most users check in occasionally or according to a specific need. 

Although the time dedicated to Pinterest is less, it is quality time. Users are focused because they are looking for some practical solution. 

What if your service or brand was that solution?

How To Work Marketing On Pinterest?

1- Create A Profile For Your Company 

The process of creating a Pinterest account for your brand is quite simple. Just open a business-type account. 

If you already have a personal account, Pinterest allows you to link a business account. To do this, access your account, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and go to settings.

Now fill in the name and category that your business fits. It is possible to add a direct link to your virtual store or website, link to other social networks and mark the subjects that have the most to do with your brand to receive content suggestions from Pinterest.

2 – Start Creating Pins And Boards For Your Profile

Each folder can have a name, description and category. In addition, you can add a skin, choose the privacy setting (public or private) and add collaborators.

3 – Create Pins 

Posts on Pinterest are called pins. Some practical tips about pins:

  • The focus is on posting high-quality images in vertical format with a 2:3 ratio (Ex: 1,000 x 1,500 pixels).
  • Use images that speak for themselves that show the attributes that your product has to offer. 
  • Use your logo in the images subtly without making it look too commercial. 
  • Make graphic interferences when necessary: ​​if you want to add text, the idea is to use a text overlay on the image. Making arrows to highlight an area or object in your photo can also be a good solution. 

4 – Venture Into Rich Pins 

You can add additional information to your pins. If you offer a product, you can inform the price, availability in stock and where the user can purchase it. You can also put a direct link to download an app (available for iOS).

If your marketing focuses on content, you can put additional information such as author, title and a brief description of the text when publishing an article.

And if your company operates in the field of gastronomy or food and is going to publish a recipe, it is possible to organize the recipe step by step.

5 – Add Extensions To Your Business Profile

You can download the Save Button extension. With it, users can save images on your website to their Pinterest accounts. The Pinterest icon will appear in the corner of your website images.

The Widget Builder extension shares your Pinterest account’s main boards and pins on your website. That’s it; now it’s time to create content for your brand on Pinterest!

Questions To Keep In Mind When Creating Your Pinterest Business

  • Start your profile with good planning. Set your goals on Pinterest. What do you most aspire to? Greater reach, brand awareness, engagement or conversion? 
  • And how will you measure that goal? Which metrics to follow? 
  • Who is your target audience, and how will you communicate? What are your audience’s pain points?
  • What content pillars will you work on? 
  • What will be the continuity? How often will you publish?

Optimize Your Posts On Pinterest With SEO

So that your pins are better positioned in searches and receive more views and, consequently, more visits to your page, optimize your publications with SEO! 

  • Use the proper keywords to describe your content. Keywords can also identify your business and product, making your content appear in searches for these terms. 
  • Fill in all the information on the pins since, like Google, Pinterest cannot read images. 
  • Use hashtags to add more context to your pins.

Is It Possible To Make Money On Pinterest?

There are many possibilities for your brand’s Pinterest to be profitable. 

For example, have a website and link to Pinterest. This way, you will have opportunities to get clicks and generate conversions. 

Just like Google is a search engine, so is Pinterest, focusing on images. People have questions, they search, and they want answers. Then develop content pillars and make your pins drive traffic to your website or blog. 

Another way to earn money with Pinterest is by monetizing some skills (for example, cooking, painting, sewing, decorating, etc.). You don’t need to be an expert; you must know how to communicate correctly.

Also Read: See How To Use Instagram For Your Establishment’s Business

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