Operate SEO For Your Website: Plan On-Page And Off-Page Measures

On-Page And Off-Page Measures

Anyone who runs their website and believes that the search engine optimization (SEO) of their website is dealt with by keyword research is wrong. To achieve good results in the search engine results (SERPs), extensive SEO optimization is necessary, which includes all relevant on-page and important off-page measures. The following article will learn more about how all the essential SEO measures can be implemented efficiently and cost-effectively and why you should hire an experienced link building agency.

What Measures Does On-Page Optimization Include?

In combination with off-page optimization, on-page optimization represents the area of ​​search engine optimization (SEO). It includes all measures that are taken on the website. These are factors that you can directly influence yourself. The following On Page actions have an impact on the organic hits in the search results on Google and Co:

Google Loves Relevant Content

Internet users reach websites with a need for information via search engines. The users are not only interested in decision-making aids, but they also show an interest in a certain amount of entertainment. Both the one and the other ultimately represent content in different forms. The major search engines are guided by the principle of rewarding those websites with a better ranking that offer users the most added value. Google and Co. evaluate the quality of the content according to different criteria.

However, the most critical aspect is the benefit for the user. So if you run a successful business and have the necessary expertise in the industry, you could write about your core competencies and publish the texts on your website. With textual content that offers your visitors the most added value on a specific topic, you establish yourself as an expert in this field, which of course, Google rewards with a better ranking.

Keywords As An Important On-Page Measure

Keywords help Google understand what a website is about. If you enrich your texts with relevant keywords from the corresponding subject area, you can optimize your content and make it more understandable for Google. However, it is essential to note a corresponding limit for keyword density not to overdo the integration of keywords in favor of a natural reading flow. Google can quickly and easily identify keyword abuse and penalize the website in question with a poorer ranking.

Structured Data And Meta Information

Significant benefits can be achieved with meta-data and structured information with little work. The most crucial meta-information is meta description and meta title. These two meta tags result in the so-called snippets, which are displayed as part of the search results on Google and play an essential role in the context of on-page optimization. When choosing the appropriate metadata, you should primarily pay attention to the number of words because Google displays the metadata up to a certain length. Unfortunately, anything that is too long will be cut off in the display.

What Measures Does Off-Page Optimization Include?

Off-page optimization refers to all SEO measures implemented outside of the website to optimize the ranking in the SERPs on Google and Co. The implementation of OffPage-SEO consists of building a large number of topic-relevant and high-quality backlinks that link to your website. The goal of all OffPage measures is to achieve good rankings in the organic search results. This area of ​​search engine optimization should never be viewed in isolation. A sustainable increase in domain authority can only be achieved with on-page optimization.

Backlinks As A Central Measure Of Off-Page Optimization

Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, cross-references from websites to other sites have been critical indicators for search engines of the importance and relevance of a specific website about a search query. Each backlink can be seen as a recommendation from one website for another. When evaluating the significance and relevance of incoming links by

Google and Co. play a relevant role in the following factors:

  • Where is the link placed on the linking page?
  • What anchor text is used?
  • What is the authority of the linking site?
  • How relevant is the referring website?

In principle, it is assumed that incoming links develop naturally due to the existing content. However, as part of OffPage optimization, an attempt is made to artificially influence the number of connections by building up backlinks in a targeted manner. In this context, two types of backlinks can be distinguished: active and passive backlink building. The passive construction of backlinks encourages users to link voluntarily by publishing exciting and topic-relevant content. Functional backlink building in SEO, on the other hand, consists of precisely controlling the link setting.


A healthy thought-out SEO strategy is necessary to be successful with your website on the World Wide Web. With the appropriate on-page and off-page measures, you ensure more visibility and increase traffic on your website.

Also Read: How To Research Keywords With Google Ads

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