Key Challenges When Managing A Cloud Computing Environment

Key Challenges When Managing A Cloud Computing Environment

Learn about the main challenges of managing a cloud computing environment, In addition to involving a total paradigm shift, the bet on the cloud also precedes a change in mindset. 

To be successful, you need to know the main challenges of managing a cloud computing environment. Therefore, in this article, we show you what they are and how you should overcome them and ensure the advantages of the cloud for your business.  

Seven Challenges Of Managing Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing has faced traditional structures formed by large and expensive architectures, delivering varied and complementary computing services – such as servers, storage, networks, and databases, among others – through the Internet. 

However, although companies that bet on this technology achieve excellent results,  migrating to the cloud requires a careful step that starts with good planning and continues with the choice of provider, execution of the migration plan, and evaluation of the results. 

And, of course, there is also constant Monitoring, which must be applied to the protection and security of the entire system – an eventual performance impact can even be a sign that there is some suspicious operation and risk to information security.  

With this constant Monitoring, it will be possible to improve the migration planning to the cloud, guaranteeing better results every time. 

Before reaping the good fruits of efficient cloud migration, however, you need to overcome some challenges of managing cloud computing – follow the main ones below. 

Challenge 1: Internet Access 

This challenge varies from region to region , given that the offer combines the quality of access at affordable prices in some of them. In contrast, the packages are costly in others, and the connection fails. 

Before signing a contract, make sure you are contracting a high-performance service at fair prices and having a fiber optic network with links aimed at the corporate network. That way, you’ll get the high performance you need. 

Challenge 2: Digital Security 

One of the challenges of managing cloud computing is keeping organizational data protected from cyberattacks. In this sense, choose reputable companies offering encryption, multiple servers and backups, and other protection measures. 

Challenge 3: 24×7 Monitoring 

The cloud works nonstop, but that doesn’t mean you’ll need to lose nights of sleep worrying about the safety of your environment. Choose a partner that offers quality 24×7 Monitoring, with mechanisms that issue alerts on any strange movement in the online environment, updating information and activities on the network.  

Challenge 4: Licensing Rules 

Each company has specific software and hardware needs, and each has its rules of use. This way, look for a company that offers Data Center-based solutions according to your company’s needs, avoiding incompatibility of licensing restrictions. 

Challenge 5: Develop The Migration Plan 

Planning for cloud migration is one of the biggest challenges of cloud computing management because it is often neglected. And this is a severe mistake since, not being well structured, the migration can cause problems such as service instability and a drop in productivity. 

The secret of planning is to understand the organization’s needs and count on qualified professionals so that the process takes place efficiently and without risks. 

Challenge 6: Contract Investment 

Even committing part of the IT budget, cloud computing is a necessary investment worth every penny invested, as long as it is done with discretion. The secret is to have experienced suppliers that can guarantee the benefits that technology has to offer for your company. 

In fact, with the right partner,  the cloud is a wise investment that helps an organization save money. 

Challenge 7: Choosing The Ideal Partner For Your Business 

To close this list with the main challenges of managing cloud computing, we mention choosing the right provider for your company’s needs. There are many companies on the market, so when evaluating candidates consider, among other items: 

  • The one that will understand the demands of your business to make a personalized proposal and offer the best cost-benefit ratio; 
  • Experience in cloud computing migration and management, having a  highly qualified team  to ensure the best service; 
  • Ability to prepare a plan that is consistent with the needs and budget of your organization, allowing greater security to the process; 
  • In addition to implementation, a company that monitors the entire cloud computing post-deployment process ; 
  • Payment methods, agility in the preparation and delivery of the project, flexibility to meet eventual changes in demand.

Also Read: Understand What To Analyze To Choose A Cloud Computing Company

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