These techniques, easy to apply daily, will save you from having to charge your phone several times a day. Running out of battery in the middle of the day is a situation that many people have already experienced. Equipped with an iPhone or an Android, users can quickly find themselves in an uncomfortable position. To avoid this difficulty, several tips exist and allow the battery to last longer.
Thus, the first good gesture to apply is, first of all, to bring a suitable cable. Often, we are tempted to use the charger of our computer for our smartphone, and vice versa. However, it damages the battery of your devices. Indeed, the risk is significant. Your phone could be overheating, and its battery would be seriously injured. Another tip to keep in mind: recharge your phone regularly. However, it is just as necessary to charge it properly to extend the battery life.
Charging your phone well, how does it work? Above all, connect the device before your battery is empty. New lithium batteries do not support too low a charge level. The recommended charging time is two hours. Charging your device overnight is, therefore, not recommended. Instead, prefer daytime charging and airplane mode while you sleep. Indeed, this mode saves a lot of battery and does not prevent the use of the alarm clock in the morning.
Applications play a significant role in draining the battery of your smartphones. To optimize the functioning of your phone, start by updating it. This also applies to its applications. Indeed, updates sometimes make the application less energy-intensive than when it was launched.
Still, on the apps side, you can check if some are running in the background. This will allow you to disable their refresh, which often consumes a lot of energy. This is particularly the case with messaging and social networks. Using them in the background allows notifications to be sent to you. If you do not need to receive them, you can deactivate this feature in the phone settings, which is partly reserved for applications.
Last tip, but not least: lower the brightness of the screen. This is most often automatic. The lower the brightness, the more battery you will save. This way, you can deactivate the automatic adjustment to select low brightness, which is more than enough to view the content displayed on the screen.
As verified by some tests, the dark mode or “dark mode” is suitable for not pulling our eyes if we use the device at night or in poorly lit environments. It also allows you to save battery energy and prolong smartphone autonomy. This feature is available natively in recent versions of iOS and Android. From using power banks to cases with built-in batteries, we are constantly looking for new solutions to never run out of energy in our smartphones.
Especially those who spend most of the day away from home often have to limit the device’s use to avoid arriving at the end of the day with an exhausted battery and risk missing calls or important notifications. However, in many cases, the solution to increasing autonomy lies precisely in the smartphone itself and, in particular, in how it is configured: some functions, if correctly set, could provide us with many advantages!
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