Instagram And Growth Hacking: The Fundamental Concepts

Instagram And Growth Hacking

Instagram is one of the most loved social networks by users. The reason? Ease of use and immediacy of content. If you are using Instagram as a promotional channel for your company, you are doing well. Many still haven’t figured it out, but Instagram is proving to be a great platform for organizations of this type. However, tapping into a large (and growing) number of Instagram users can take enormous time and effort. This is where Growth Hacking comes in. But why focus on this social network?

Growth Hacking For Instagram: How Does It Work?

Growth hacking is a relatively new concept, especially in social media. It is a process of rapid experimentation through marketing channels and product development to identify the most effective and efficient channels to grow a business. Growth hackers, therefore, deal with a series of problems and provide solutions using digital tools and, in this specific case, work to improve the primary objectives of a company or a brand and keep the number of followers monitored over time, always trying to increase it. So let’s see together the strategies for a successful growth hacking activity for Instagram.

The Fascination With Contents

Content is king—end of the story. Given the number of users it boasts, you can rest assured that almost every major company has a presence on this platform. To make your mark, you’ll need to find a way to manage your account. This is where unique, original, and valuable content can be of great help! The content must generate not only traffic but also follow the expectations of the audience. The published images must be bright and impactful to captivate the public. 

Want some successful business examples that made the most of Instagram? Intel, Virgin America, Nike, and American Express. We recognize them because they have some things in common: they make the person feel like part of a community beyond the screen. ‘ another important thing to consider is to research the type of content that best suits your target audience. Be smart! Look for accounts of competing or similar companies in your industry and find out what works for them to adopt a similar strategy.

Regular Posts

It’s not enough to churn out great content to engage your audience. The public’s attention must be kept alive, constantly distracted by other proposals. Publishing content consistently and without delay is a great way to do this. Accounts that post up to two or three pieces of content in one day are the ones that have the most followers. 

Another important aspect of publishing includes wanting to follow a fixed schedule. Small business owners are extremely busy, so posting regularly and consistently can seem difficult, and this is where it comes in. The growth hacker is an indispensable figure for the success of this social plan. You can, of course, use online scheduling programs, such as those offered by Hootsuite, ScheduGram, Latergramme,

The Magic Of Hashtags

Don’t underestimate them! Thanks to hashtags, the contents gain greater visibility among thousands of users who might otherwise not see them. Since it is impossible to insert links in descriptions on Instagram, it is important to take advantage of hashtags. Use them with care, as they can radically increase your reach, especially if you can create the perfect mix for your target audience. Remember to use a popular, trending, and a suitable combination of the topics. Since hashtags are a research tool, think about what your targets might be looking for, including those keywords in your description.

Call To Action

When creating content for your Instagram account, make sure all posts include a strong call to action. To get your followers to do what you want, you need to ask them. So, for example, companies include phrases like “Tag a friend in the comments,” “Double-tap if you like the post,” and “Sign up for free” to receive emails and newsletters about your products. If you have a blog that you update regularly, promote it in Instagram posts and ask your followers to “Click the link” in your bio to read the entire post. These are trick games that make posts very useful.

Contest And Links

You may want to consider organizing a contest. A well-executed contest can earn you many new followers without putting in a lot of effort. You can run different types of contests on Instagram. Ask your followers to like your post, follow your account, tag a friend, or get them to do something that exposes you to a wider audience. Contests increase the virality of your account. With these actions, you benefit from greater exposure and win great prizes, obviously relevant to your commercial offer. Having a large audience of people who aren’t interested in that business isn’t useful for your purposes. 

If you haven’t already tried the Instagram url, the time has come. A user mentions your account in one of their posts via a caption or image. This is one of the most effective ways to establish your online presence and increase your following. You’ll be exposed to thousands of new users you’ve probably never interacted with before. How to do it? Scroll through the most active Instagram accounts in your segment or niche with similar audiences to get an idea of ​​the right kind of action. The next step is to contact them to see if they would be interested in taking the test with you. 

If you can find the right influencers to partner with, it can be worth it. You’ll be exposed to thousands of new users you’ve probably never interacted with before. How to do it? Scroll through the most active Instagram accounts in your segment or niche with similar audiences to get an idea of ​​the right kind of action. The next step is to contact them to see if they would be interested in taking the test with you. If you can find the right influencers to partner with, it can be worth it. 

You’ll be exposed to thousands of new users you’ve probably never interacted with before. How to do it? Scroll through the most active Instagram accounts in your segment or niche with similar audiences to get an idea of ​​the right kind of action. The next step is to contact them to see if they would be interested in taking the test with you. If you can find the right influencers to partner with, it can be worth it.

Manage “Likes”

The software is specially designed to manage “likes,” comments, and your followers. Instagress and Autogrambot are a couple of programs that can help you interact with other Instagram users based on the parameters set by the user. With this system, it is possible to grow followers in no time. Be careful, though, and make sure you don’t abuse these programs by involving too many users quickly. Otherwise, the account will be blocked. 

So, if you aren’t already tapping into this potential of Instagram, you should do it right away, without further ado. Having many followers will work in your favor, and while getting them may take a long time, it’s not impossible. The tips above should go a long way in helping you build up a good following in multiplying your income. Implement them, and you will have exactly what the business needs. 

Also Read: Creating Professional YouTube Videos: How To Do It Right

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