Improve Google Ranking: With Your Website In The Top 5

Most internet users are only interested in the first page of Google search results. That is why it is essential to improve the Google ranking. Thanks to the improved order, the website receives more traffic and clicks. An SEO agency or  SEO freelancer can help you get into the top 5 search results with the right objectives.

Deliver Good Content

The best SEO tips are of no use if there is no good, exciting, funny, or educational content on the website. No matter how search engine optimized the site is, the visitor does not find what he is looking for or is not surprised by great content, the length of stay of the user decreases rapidly. Real added value must be delivered to the visitor. Therefore, one should first be careful to work out the website’s concept and fill the page with exciting content. Google repeatedly emphasizes that the best SEO measure is good content and that the company wants websites with quality content to be brought up in the search engine rankings. And not websites that are search engine optimized by all means, but without delivering the content, who would deserve such a good ranking.

Adjust Content Or Texts

Google prefers sites with a lot of text. A text should be at least 300 words long; everything else is too short. In addition to the keywords, enough synonyms should also be included in the text. This enables Google’s bot to better semantically classify the content and understand what the text is about. In the best-case scenario, this leads to an improvement in the Google ranking if the text is considered particularly relevant for a particular search query. The better Google understands what the text is about; the better Google can assess which Internet users and searches this text could be of interest. Therefore, it should be ensured that the language is as simple as possible. This not only improves the understanding of the Google bot but also of the reader and thus the communication with him.

Get Your Keywords Right

Google doesn’t like so-called keyword stuffing at all. This term describes the massive use of a keyword and a useless attempt to force relevance. Keyword stuffing used to be the only way to improve Google’s ranking. It is now being severely punished by Google and can lead to severe ranking losses. Opinions differ as to how often a keyword should be included in the text. With 1 to 3 percent, however, you are on the safe side. It is also important to distribute the keyword evenly over the entire text and find synonyms if necessary.

The keyword is vital for the homepage. It is best to do it in the first sentence. In other texts, too, it is worthwhile to have the keyword appear right at the beginning and then distribute it evenly over the article. The keyword also belongs in the headings. The headline in which the keyword should appear should only be used once per page. All other titles should be tagged with and lower.

It is beneficial to include the keyword in the URL of the website. For example, if a pub’s website is concerned, and you want to improve the Google ranking, it is worthwhile to make the term “pub” part of the domain. In addition, the keywords should be integrated into the meta description of the page. Here, too, it is essential to avoid keyword stuffing. The meta description cannot be read on the page, but it appears when searching and is sometimes used by Google first to index the page correctly. In addition, only one keyword should be used per page, if possible. Google indexes each subpage individually. If they all use the same keyword, they will quickly compete with one another. 

Keyword Research

Researching the right keywords is a broad topic in itself. It is of central importance to know which search terms the Internet users are also supposed to find the page they are using. First of all, there are different search queries: With navigational search queries, the user is more likely to look for subpages that he knows or thinks he knows. This is more about companies or institutions. Then there are informational search queries in which the user asks Google something to find out something or to solve a problem. And finally, the transactional search query, in which the user searches specifically for a product or service to purchase it. Depending on the type of page, the SEO freelancer should focus on specific search queries,

The relevance of the keywords also plays a role. It is about how often a keyword is searched and how many websites are served. The more relevant a keyword is, the stronger the competition is here. It can be tough to assert yourself against the established sites that have often garnered the most coveted keywords for themselves. With more specific keywords or search phrases, the competition is usually much smaller, and the chance of achieving a good ranking increases.

Link Building

One method of off-page optimization is link building. Specifically, it is about backlinks, i.e., links that link to your website. The more other domains refer to it, the more relevant a website appears to Google. At the same time, it is also essential that Google views these websites as high quality. In the past, attempts were made to artificially generate relevance by placing links on specially prepared websites that were nothing more than a link catalog. Such websites are viewed as inferior, and being linked there can be detrimental to the ranking. The spam from links is now being severely punished by Google and should be avoided if possible to improve your Google ranking.

Methods of getting high-quality links, for example, are offered by the presence on social media. If the links are shared and liked, Google notices this and rates the website as particularly relevant. It may be good to write guest posts on other blogs and then refer to your website. You can create a newsletter, issue press releases, or have your products tested by other websites or influencers. There are website catalogs and directories on which links can often be set free of charge. Link exchange with external websites is also a possibility, but Google could penalize direct linking to one another as unnatural link building. With an ABC structure, you are on the safe side; here, three websites link to one another, but never two sides of each other. So A to B, B to C, and C to A.


The alignment of websites to mobile devices is becoming more and more critical. Google has already noted that websites that look good on smartphones etc., are preferred by the search engine. If you want to improve the Google ranking, it is worthwhile to design the website so that it is also optimized for smaller screens. Some sites benefit more than others. “Mobile first” is a must, especially for shops, bars, and companies that get their customer base from the regional environment.

Also Read: SEO Optimization For Landing Pages

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