HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGImprove Google Ranking | 10 SEO tips

Improve Google Ranking | 10 SEO tips

What can we do on our website to improve our Google ranking? There is a whole lot that everyone can do for SEO optimization themselves. We limit ourselves to everything that includes on-page SEO, i.e. takes place on your website. Off Page SEO with link building is excluded.

Write Quality Texts

High-quality texts are the most critical factor for placement in Google. This is especially true if you create SEO texts specifically for your online marketing. Make sure that the texts are error-free. Also, view the content on a mobile device, so it looks perfect there. Integrate valuable links to other internal and external sites.

Increase User Experience On Your Website

The longer visitors stay on your website and the more pages they look at, the better Google rates your website. These factors are considered to be the most important ranking factors of all. You should therefore tailor the content to the needs of your users. The more valuable the information, the better off you are. Also, think about which elements you can add to the user experience. Infographics and videos are pretty excellent here.

Specify One (!) Keyword Per Page

Each website should only be optimized for one keyword. This can also be a combination of two or three words frequently searched for. To find out which keywords are optimal here, you can conduct an SEO analysis of the question words. Tools like Google Trends are helpful here.

It is almost impossible to optimize a website for several good keywords. The only exception is terms that are thematically very close to each other. An example of this is singular and plural. Both are often searched for. It would help if you used the keyword in different variants in the text.

Place The Keyword In The Right Places

After you’ve determined the optimal keyword for a page, it’s all about placing it in the right places.

Ideally, the keyword comes in whole or in part in the URL of your website. If you don’t have any speaking URLs yet, this is important for your programmers. The keyword should also appear in the page title.

The meta description (description) is the third place where the keyword belongs. It usually consists of two complete sentences. Google primarily uses the meta description for display in the hit list.

This leaves the actual content to improve the Google ranking. Here it is ideal to have the keyword appear both in the headlines and text. Necessary: Legibility and user-friendliness must not suffer. All text should be easy to read and not seem like a cluster of one particular word. It is ideal if your keyword is built into the text once in a headline, once at the beginning and end of the text and two or three times in between.

Answer Questions – The Booster For Your Google Ranking Improvement

In the Google hit list, you have probably noticed that there is a block with the heading: Similar questions. There is a great opportunity hidden here to improve the Google ranking for your keyword. It doesn’t have to rank in the list but can also be listed here with the questions.

Many users use Google’s voice search, especially on the go. Questions are trendy. How does … work? How does it work…? Since when does … exist …?

Ensure these searchers find your site by incorporating the terms relevant to voice search into your site’s content. You can also phrase headings as questions. And make sure the sentences after that are recognizable as easy-to-read answers. These will then rank for your desired keyword with a bit of luck.

Google will display your answer to the question in the “zero position.” This means a particular answer field above search result #1. This has excellent traffic and has a positive impact on your company’s authority.

Update Your Content Regularly

If you are not satisfied with the current Google ranking, you can update the content. If it goes well, it will improve your order. Google doesn’t like outdated content. Regular updating is therefore rated very positively. An updated plan is beneficial if you have many pages. It reminds you to check the page at regular intervals (e.g. every six months). If necessary, make updates or add current links. You should use this opportunity to check whether all external links are still working correctly. Empty links are rated negatively by Google.

Form Content Clusters

Create a content cluster for your most important keywords. This means optimizing the main page for this keyword and dealing with additional sub-topics on other pages. Each of these different pages receives a link to the main page. Google understands that this is the most important page on this topic and ranks it higher accordingly.

An excellent way to build a content cluster is to use a blog. As part of your search engine optimization, you write posts about your most important keywords here from time to time. In this way, your content will consistently rank better and better in Google.

Set Links With Appropriate Text

Always use descriptive links. “Click here” does not add any value. Your internal links (and the external ones, even more so) should include your keywords. Google then knows that the landing page is the right one for this keyword. On top of that, you also help people with disabilities or screen readers to use your website.

Use Alt tags

Each image and video should be tagged old. Google doesn’t look at your website. The Google Robot reads the source code. If you offer him an alt tag on an image, he’ll know what it is. On the one hand, this can lead to this image ranking well for your desired keyword. And in addition, you have once again placed it ideally on your page. Last but not least: You also help people with disabilities get along with your website.

Improve Your Website Speed

Google likes fast pages. And your users want it too. You can find out how fast your website is using Page Speed ​​Insights. You will also find out straight away where the most critical construction sites are. It is also worth looking at individual subpages. The result can sometimes differ significantly from the homepage.

The most important thing you can do in the editorial office is optimize your images. Use a compression tool if your CMS isn’t capable of compressing files by itself. This can massively speed up the loading time of your website.

Also Read: SEO Optimization For Landing Pages

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