How To Download Voice Messages From Telegram

How To Download Voice Messages From Telegram

Voice messages are audio notes that we send when we cannot type text messages or when we prefer to say “aloud” some things that we consider essential. Sometimes, these audios can be very long and annoying; others can be pleasant and interesting. Which side are you on? Let’s face it, we all have that friend who always goes too far and sends voice messages that exceed 5 minutes without realizing it.

Despite these minor “inconveniences,” there are some messages that we would like to listen to several times during the day or that we would like to keep on our smartphones without having to go fishing in the various chats. What to do if we receive an audio message on Telegram and want to save it? In this article, I will try to answer this question.

Continue reading this short guide to find out how to download voice messages from Telegram. Get comfortable and relaxed; the operation is effortless. I have already explained to you how to save voice messages from Messenger and WhatsApp; in the following lines, I want to provide you with all the information that will allow you to export those you receive every day on the well-known instant messaging app downloadable on Android and iOS devices.

Continue reading this guide to find out how to proceed to download audio from Telegram in a practical, simple, and above all, fast way. Get comfortable, smartphone in hand, and take a few minutes of your free time to read this tutorial.

How To Save Telegram Voice Messages On Android

Suppose you have decided to download some voice messages received on Telegram but do not know where to start. In that case, you should know that the now popular instant messaging application stores every multimedia file directly on its servers. To download Telegram voicemail messages on an Android mobile device, there are a few simple steps you need to follow:

  • Open the Telegram app
  • Search for the message you want to save
  • Then open the chat of your interest
  • Press and hold on to the voicemail in question
  • Save the audio message wherever you like
  • By tapping on the arrow pointing to the right, you can save it in the Saved Messages folder directly on Telegram
  • In this folder, you can collect all the Telegram messages you want

How To Save Telegram Voice Messages On PC / Mac

The procedure is straightforward to download Telegram voice messages using your computer (PC or Mac), similar to the one I just illustrated for Android and iOS mobile devices. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open the browser you use to browse the Internet
  • Connect to Telegram Web
  • Alternatively, open the desktop version of Telegram you have installed on your computer
  • Open the chat you are interested in
  • Find the voice message you want to save
  • Right click
  • Choose Download
  • Your voicemail will be downloaded to your computer
  • Open the downloaded files folder and move it to the folder of your choice to keep it


In this article, I have explained how to download voice messages from Telegram in a few simple steps. As you will surely have realized from the previous paragraphs, the operation to be performed is effortless and quick. Nothing you can’t do in a few minutes free while relaxing on the sofa at home.

Have you received an audio message on the well-known instant messaging application that you would like to save to listen to as many times as you want without necessarily having to open the app? Follow all the steps that I have shown you in this short guide, and you will be able to complete the procedure in the blink of an eye. You can also choose to send the message in question to another device via WhatsApp, Mail, or in the case of the iPhone, via AirDrop.

Suppose you are among the many users who prefer to send voice messages daily rather than write long and tedious papyri. In that case, you will undoubtedly love the ability to save and keep on your smartphone the most pleasant and essential voice messages you have received from friends, relatives, and Colleagues. We have come to the end of this short but hopefully exciting journey into the world of Telegram voice messages. Put my tips into practice and save all the audio messages you prefer that you can’t wait to listen to and listen to endlessly!

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