How To Create The Perfect E-Learning Course: Top Tips

How To Create The Perfect E-Learning Course

As with all other media, digital training content must captivate the viewer – this is how the maximum E-Learning effect is achieved. Contrary to what you might think, creating online training content using this scheme is pretty straightforward. However, before you start building, there are essential factors to consider.

Define A Clear Target Group And Its Added Value

Before an e-learning course can be created, a target group must first be defined. This must be done beforehand so that the content (and its difficulty) can be individualized for the target group. If the target group consists of professionals, it makes no sense to go into the basics first.

At the same time, the goals must be defined – how can the target group benefit from this course? What knowledge will the target group have afterward, and where can this knowledge be acquired? These factors are already relevant for its marketing.

Defining Content To Be Created

Before creating the course itself, you should collect what content has already been published. Companies have mostly provided flyers, brochures, white papers, reports, or presentations. These elements can also be included in the e-learning course, depending on the price range of the product; this information can also only be partially provided for this purpose.

Composition Of The Course

Creating a storyboard is essential for the design of the course, so it can be determined in advance which elements will be placed where. This also results in an advantage in terms of time. During the design itself, it is no longer necessary to think about the areas in which images, texts, or videos are to be inserted. As in other areas, this should be concise – each unit (or lesson) should be completed in minutes.

How the design is ultimately carried out also depends on the type of course. This results in a question of time, especially with companies; it is more important to ensure that the systems are provided in compressed form. In the case of courses intended for the end-user, attention must also be paid to a sensible time structure, although depending on the topic, the system may also last for hours.

In both cases, gamification elements can ensure that the learner continues to enjoy it. These playful elements ensure that attention is retained.

Get Feedback For Continuous Improvement

After the course has been created, you can add the first participants. A test run must take place, which is entirely objective. The system should also be tried out on different platforms (desktop, smartphone, tablet), as design errors often appear.

When the first improvements have been made, the first users can already work through the course. At the end of this, feedback should also be obtained as to which elements the user liked and whether any points were difficult or misleading for the user.

In particular, feedback from professionals can help to improve the course. They state that they don’t like the font, but they also state the problem and directly suggest an alternative.

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