Building Digital Maturity In Companies

Building Digital Maturity In Companies

When we talk about digital maturity and GDPR, the subject goes far beyond providing more security and privacy to customers. Data protection is also essential to avoid problems that could threaten the company’s reputation, especially at times when they offer products and services that consumers want. 

The information you have about your customers is one of your most significant assets. However, if you want to make the best use of them, you need to understand your data protection responsibilities. In this sense, it is essential to remember that, in a general panorama related to the organizational management of companies, it can be said that many of their areas (if not all) are already being impacted by the LGPD. Some examples are: data analysis, marketing, management of products, and services, human resources, compliance, and information security. 

Working On Digital Maturity In The GDPR Era

First of all, it is necessary to point out that personal data protection is not limited to large corporations or companies. In this way, it affects everyone, individuals and the community. The constant discussion and improvement of notions about the practical consequences of the collection and processing of personal data are not only imperative measures. They also represent an advance based on transparency, responsibility, and trust.

Furthermore, it is essential to remember that the set of measures adopted by companies will not be practical as long as there is no awareness of the importance of the possibilities and limitations in the activities carried out. And this is a measure that must come from both parties: both companies and data subjects.

Given this, if what is desired is an actual change in culture, superficial training or merely written documents are not enough for this to occur. The digital maturity process needs to be continuous. Therefore, it is worth using the most varied forms of communication to ensure the transparency and legal certainty necessary in this matter.

Innovation And Data Protection In Companies

Although it brings stability and security, innovation is still considered something risky. This risk aversion limits creativity and how companies carry out their activities and deliver value to their customers. All this is within the context of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this way, new business models, new ways of acting, and new needs to adapt to reality arise around us every day. In this innovative wave, we see the application of some practical tips that help to reconcile data protection with the day-to-day of companies. 

Run A Personal Data Protection Impact Report

If you identify high risk or if you process personal data in an innovative way, performing such a procedure will represent an essential instrument for verifying and demonstrating the compliance of the processing of personal data carried out by the institution, that is, serving both for the analysis and documentation of the processing of personal data.

Marketing: How To Use Old Strategies?

What’s the best way to compile our marketing list? This question keeps many companies and advertising agencies awake at night. In light of this, it is essential to note that companies may want to compile their internal marketing list using details from people who have purchased goods or services in the past. However, they must make it clear from the beginning that they intend to use their data for marketing purposes. Therefore, they should check to ensure that the list is accurate and that gathering detail has taken place somewhat. In addition, consent must be specific and recent enough to cover your treatment.

Another important aspect, perhaps even more relevant, is the marketing of contacts. As a general rule, such lists should only be marketed if they have the consent of the individuals listed. Furthermore, in times of big data analytics, algorithms, and the Internet of Things (IoT), such practices are commonplace in digital marketing activities. This is because, in this area, several players act in the data chain, sharing personal information. The objective is to carry out joint or individual treatment operations. Among them are, for example, data enrichment and definition of behavioral and consumption profiles to map the most diverse purposes. 

However, companies should be careful. After all, we live in an era where data is just as valuable to new businesses as traditional raw materials. Thus, such manipulations create and improve products, services, marketing, and business strategies.

How To Make The Company Compliant With The GDPR?

To ensure the company’s compliance with the LGPD, some strategic measures are necessary. First, assess current data practices and procedures. And second, adapt and review your practices regularly.

If you need help, please get in touch with us. Privacy Care is a consulting firm specializing in managing data privacy governance. We offer to adapt your services to the regulations simply and practically, thanks to an innovative and accessible plan format.

Also Read: How Can Companies Use AI Today To Reinvent Themselves

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