HomeTECH & INNOVATIONAutomation Is Not A Panacea For Destructive Processes

Automation Is Not A Panacea For Destructive Processes

Organizations today can upgrade different work processes with the assistance of Business Process Automation (BPA), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI calculations. Regardless of whether the work process is in IT, deals, assembling, or HR, the objective is, as a rule, to lessen costs, increment proficiency, and make better encounters for representatives.

Automation Can’t Fix Destructive Processes

Yet, many organizations neglect to perceive that computerizing a negative interaction doesn’t mysteriously transform it into a proper procedure. And surprisingly, the savviest robotization can’t “fix” a flawed methodology. So it’s crucial for taking a gander at each cycle you need to mechanize. 

All things considered, why invest the energy, exertion, and cost of mechanizing everything, assuming that doesn’t work on the bike? So the robotization of tasks isn’t only a fix for an imperfect interaction. The inquiry toward starting any mechanization exertion is: “Does this cycle need to run like this? “. Since a procedure works doesn’t imply that it works ideally.

RPA Doesn’t Ask About The Meaning Of The Process

RPA is a mechanization innovation that makes it possible to robotize complex advanced cycles by executing them definitively as a human client would, utilizing the UI and per predefined rules. RPA can mimic crafted by a human client with at least one data framework and broadens the extent of the automatable capacities to a more extensive scope of business exercises.

Benefits Of RPA

  1. Cost reduction
  2. Quality improvement
  3. Employee relief

RPA Supports The “As-Is” Process

RPA is a computerization innovation that makes it possible to robotize complex advanced cycles by executing them definitively as a human client would, utilizing the UI and per predefined rules. RPA can mimic crafted by a human client with at least one data framework and expands the extent of the automatable capacities to a more extensive scope of business exercises.

Why A Process Analysis Is Important

Process planning, examination and overhaul are fundamental for a viable execution because the current business process is in some cases excessively intricate and incorporates superfluous advances that could be killed before RPA is carried out. Business rules have not been read up for a long time and don’t appear legit in the current structure and climate. Many existing business rules can be changed over into more exact and steady calculations for better direction. 

In a few organizations, this interaction information and comprehension are moderately low. The organization might have assortments of standard working techniques. However, they are frequently inadequately archived and outdated. For the most part, every worker follows their comprehension of best practices.

Process Redesign Increases ROI

There are significant improvements in automated processes by working with powerful process mining tools to scrutinize and improve the process and embed it in RPA. Still, process problems in other areas of the company are also reduced. Redesigning processes while implementing RPA can add time and cost to the overall initiative, but the return on investment is significantly higher compared to RPA implementations without a process change. Redesigning the process as you implement RPA can help ensure that human employees perform tasks that are appropriate to their capabilities

RPA Is Just A Tool, Not A Panacea

Organizations have had tremendous success in deploying RPA when they combine automation with the disciplines of process redesign and continuous improvement. The focus is on optimizing the process and not on the tool that delivers it. The first thing to do is standardize, improve and then automate. This clear focus on transforming a process by using RPA as a tool to deliver identified improvements is fundamentally different from deployments where RPA is seen as a panacea for eliminating inefficiencies in any approach.

It is undoubtedly true that RPA can produce significant savings without delving into the details of the processes. However, RPA-enabled process transformation can deliver a much higher performance and value when the “P” stands for process improvement. Then RPA is a much more valuable tool than simple task automation, for example.

RPA Isn’t The Problem

Employees adapt pretty well to procedures and processes that don’t work well. When employees realize that processes are not running optimally, they create workarounds and creative solutions to get the job done anyway. Then inefficiency is concealed, and techniques continue to run that urgently need to be optimized or revised. With “intelligent automation “, A suboptimal process with artificial intelligence and machine learning only increases the inefficiencies and inaccuracies embedded in the process. 

If a function is not audited or audited, automation can increase problems exponentially. Just as automation can streamline and build good processes and procedures, it also does with inferior methods. When the human-controlled process contains unnecessary steps, those unnecessary steps are automated and executed. Speed ​​alone cannot compensate for destructive processes.

Automation Needs A Stable And Predictable Process

Process optimization aims to identify opportunities for improvement and find ways to streamline processes, eliminate inefficient or redundant steps and achieve better results. It is the basis for any practical, prosperous and sustainable automation. Every process optimization is preceded by careful process analysis. Understanding the current process, where performance issues are and how the process varies across the organization is essential in deciding whether it is worth improving the process. 

Process mining can solve this problem. Process mining software can help companies easily collect information from corporate transactional systems and provide detailed – and data-driven – information about the performance of critical processes before they are automated. Employee interviews are another measure to identify illogical, inefficient processes. It is essential to identify and understand the various forms of workflows and consolidate the paths to the goal in the best possible way. 

Straightforward, statistical processes are easier to optimize and adapt than an end-to-end ordering or approval process, including numerous complex decision trees and alternative routes. For example, if a function has 20 steps, it can be automated or redesigned only to comprise ten steps. It will be a lot easier if you want to automate this process later.


So what is to be done? Companies should think of processes first, then automation because those who rely on poorly thought-out strategies shouldn’t be surprised after the automation of their processes if the desired increase in efficiency does not materialize. It certainly takes time to understand the business processes and then examine where efficiency gains can be achieved. Automation isn’t the panacea for destructive, inefficient processes. 

Automating a flawed process doesn’t make it more productive. Automation may be seen as streamlining operations, but it doesn’t improve. Companies that want better methods have to take this into their own hands. RPA & Co. don’t do it. Process mapping is also beneficial when checking the processes that need to be automated. 

It is a method that provides a visual representation of business activity from start to finish. The mapping documents every step in a business process and can help identify what is being done by whom, where, when, how, and why. Then, once the process is running at its best, it’s time to turn to automation to increase ROI and business efficiency so that employees can focus on high quality, creative tasks.

Also Read: AI And Automation – Are Companies Ready For Hyper-Automation?

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