Artificial Intelligence In Email Marketing – High Performance Impact

Artificial Intelligence In Email Marketing

If you send emails and people need to open them, this communication strategy could be more efficient. Only not. There is new science behind this tool. In this article, you will see that the main reason for this advance is the application of Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing.

But Where Are The Concrete Results?

According to the “Email marketing census” survey (2018), 61% of companies say that more than 10% of sales come from Email Marketing. 

McKinsey & Company, a world leader in business consulting, says that email is almost 40 times more efficient than Facebook and Twitter in attracting new customers. 

5 Tips To Boost Artificial Intelligence In Email Marketing

Writing a great text or making a tempting promotion is only possible if the customer opens the email. Time and money were thrown in the trash or the Spam Box.

There can only be productive help from Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing if the email presents minimum attractiveness conditions. 

Therefore, I will list here 5 essential tips for calibrating your strategy here.

Tip 1 – Generate Expectations

You must be convincing and engaging if you want to talk with someone. As much as systems are automated, email speaks to people, not robots

It is good to remember that an attractive title generates expectations which cannot be frustrating. That is, the content of the email needs to deliver what the subject sells—otherwise, false advertising sounds, which can seriously damage the Company’s image.

Tip 2 – Be Useful

Then make sure this conversation is directed at those who want to hear from you. That is, segment your contact base by profiles of interests and preferences. It’s also good to know the objections to avoid unnecessary rejections. 

Good-performing emails are those people find worthwhile, arouse curiosity, or provide a rewarding and enjoyable experience.  

No one has time to gossip. Get straight to the point and say how the email will be helpful to the customer.  

Tip 3 – Be Consistent

Have you ever heard that TV success is in the habit? That’s right. For people, regularity is crucial to establishing a good relationship.

So try to maintain a pattern. Have a basic layout that can be identified instinctively. Just by batting an eye, the customer will know it’s you.

Sustain a frequency of shipments, so the customer knows that you will arrive with good news for him on that day and time. 

Only change the sender some of the time. This makes it difficult to create a relationship. The ideal is to have only one. And more so that he can develop empathy with the customer.

Tip 4 – Be Sincere

Put CTA ( Call To Action ) in your email. If you want the customer to do something, say it clearly.

Whether participating in a promotion, answering a survey, or clicking a button. Finally, any call to action must be sincere. Avoid showing ulterior motives. 

Important place the CTA right on the first fold of the email body. If interested, he can read only some of the emails to convert. 

Tip 5 – Make Highlights

In the rush of everyday life, people need more time or patience to read bricks of long and complex texts. Use familiar words, sentences and short paragraphs.

Most people skim through email. Give that basic check to find out what it is about, and if it doesn’t catch your attention, discard the reading.

Then, highlight – in bold, for example – the core terms of your message. This facilitates dynamic reading and helps you quickly identify points of interest.

Taking these 5 precautions the email will significantly reduce the bounce rate. 

How Artificial Intelligence Works In Sending Emails

The biggest goals here are increased conversion rate and higher profitability. 

However, the success of the email depends directly on the quality of the message’s direction. It is worth remembering that the data on which the segmentation is based do not come only from the customer register but also from the browsing history.

And this is where Artificial Intelligence makes all the difference. Monitoring on the Internet allows us to know each customer’s likes and dislikes, regardless of the volume of data.

With this, once generic and impersonal emails gain personality and adapt to increasingly unique characteristics.  

The tools can also determine which points in the email arouse the greatest interest from readers. This promotes an incredible performance improvement.

Shots At Everyone’s Pace

As mentioned earlier, it is essential to maintain a frequency of submissions. Which standard best impacts the open email rate: one day, one week, or two weeks?

AI tools can determine this range according to each recipient’s geolocation and behavioural profile. Depending on the person, more than one email a week is needed, and one a day is a lot. Knowing the pace of each one, you can avoid discomfort and rejection. 

Artificial Intelligence also acts on the content of emails. It tracks similar texts and indicates their performance. Based on this comparison, the copywriter can adopt the same proven successful content strategies.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence: What The Embedded AI Trend Is All About

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