HomeGADGETSLonger Mobile Phone Runtime – This Is How You Protect Battery

Longer Mobile Phone Runtime – This Is How You Protect Battery

Have you ever felt like this? Your smartphone is relatively new, but the battery seems to be dying faster and faster after a short time. Annoying – especially when you’re on the go and have no way to charge.

But don’t worry: you don’t have to buy a new cell phone immediately. Solving battery life issues is usually more straightforward than you might think – you have to know how.

In this article, we will give you essential tips on how to save your cell phone battery.

Increase The Life Of The Cell Phone

Electricity prices are exploding: Saving electricity in all areas of life has never been as crucial as today. You can also save a lot of energy on your mobile phone and avoid wasting electricity.

Saving energy on your cell phone has another critical effect: your smartphone will have a significantly longer lifespan if you adopt the right “energy policy.” A battery cannot be charged infinitely often – the charging cycles are limited. Therefore, the less you charge the battery, the longer the battery will last.

Saving your cell phone’s battery also means keeping your wallet: you use less electricity and don’t have to spend any money on repairs or a new cell phone.

The 7 Best Tips On How To Save The Battery In Your Cell Phone

To effectively save electricity on your cell phone, you should know what your device uses the most energy for. Long story short: It’s the display.

It accounts for by far the most significant part of the electricity consumption. But unnecessary gimmicks such as 3D optics when tilting or too many open apps drain the battery.

Below we present the 7 best tips for saving your cell phone battery.

#1 Decrease The Brightness Of The Display

You can achieve the most energy gain by reducing the display’s brightness. Most of the time, the cell phone is set much too bright anyway. Especially in the evening or at night, reducing the screen brightness protects not only the battery but also your eyes: It is very tiring for them to look at a display that is too bright for a long time. The body then often reacts with headaches or fatigue.

Make sure that you activate the automatic sleep mode under the settings. This ensures that the display turns off after a while. But beware: Some apps are programmed so that they can bypass this sleep mode when they are open. In such a case, make sure you change the app’s function accordingly.

#2 Turn Off Vibration

The vibration function is practical: if you put the phone in your pocket, you can feel it when you get a call or a message. But you also have to consider: It costs a lot of battery power if the phone shakes itself.

Therefore, think carefully about the situations in which you need this function. Is it necessary for the cell phone to vibrate with every single Twitter message? Or would it be enough if the phone only moves when you’re in a meeting, and you’ve muted the ringtone?

#3 Minimize Background Activity And App Syncing

Helpful apps are also constantly accessing the Internet in the background and trying to synchronize the data – even if you haven’t opened these apps. This activity drains a lot of energy from your battery.

You should switch off this background activity in the app settings to save your battery. Instead, you could get in the habit of checking your emails and messages at regular intervals.

By the way: This protects not only the battery of your mobile phone but also your nerves. Because the constant tingling and blinking of new messages means permanent stress for the subconscious and prevents both concentrated work and absolute relaxation.

#4 Turn Off Or Restrict Internet Connection

If the mobile phone is connected to the Internet – via mobile data or WLAN – a lot of electricity is consumed. Some applications retrieve data from the Internet even if the smartphone is lying on the desk and the display is switched off. As mentioned above, if possible, you should switch off these background activities.

It is even easier on the battery to completely cut off the Internet connection. Admittedly, this is not always possible – but it helps to deliberately switch off the WLAN connection when you’re on the go and using mobile data. Otherwise, your cell phone will constantly be looking for possible Wi-Fi connections and use a lot of electricity.

#5 Enable GPS And Bluetooth Only When Needed

The GPS and Bluetooth functions are super practical, mainly if you use your cell phone as a navigation device or want to connect it to other devices. But you always have to keep in mind that these functions are constantly “on the lookout” for data and devices – and these efforts of your phone consume a lot of energy.

Disable Bluetooth if you don’t want to pair your smartphone with another device. And set your apps – such as Google Maps – so GPS is only switched on when using the app.

#6 Protect Your Phone From Extreme Temperatures

Your smartphone is an everyday object and can withstand a lot. But it would help if you remembered that the battery does not handle extreme temperatures well, namely extreme cold and extreme heat. The battery reacts to these temperatures with a poorer charging capacity and a shorter service life.

So make sure not to leave your cell phone in the blazing sun in summer or leave it in the car at 45 degrees. If the temperatures are shallow in winter, the smartphone is better kept in the trouser pocket – i.e., close to the body – than in the bag.

#7 Charge The Battery During The Day

Do you charge your phone overnight? Then you should change this habit: If the battery is fully charged after an hour or two, it will receive a permanent surplus of electricity for the rest of the night. This is not good for the battery and will die faster.

If you charge the smartphone during the day, you can see when the battery is complete and disconnect the device from the cable. By the way: If you want to go fast, you can activate flight mode while charging. The charging process can be reduced to half the time.

Also Read: “Dark Mode” On Mobile And Desktop In Apps

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