HomeTECH & INNOVATION5G Internet: What Can We Expect From This Technology?

5G Internet: What Can We Expect From This Technology?

Three words explain the anxiety on the part of companies regarding the arrival of 5G internet: Stability, speed and connectivity. Using a more stable connection, it is possible to guarantee a higher rate in the operations of the different devices connected online.

Ultra-definition video calls, evolution in automation in industrial work, robotization, and complex surgeries remotely, in short, different production areas must feel the changes brought about by the advancement to the fifth generation of the internet.

Even 4G technology is still not present in most companies .This does not prevent developments in 5G development from being celebrated, with the prospect of commercial use in the national territory from 2020.

Technological multinationals are very attentive to all this news, not only the telecommunications giants but also Intel, for example. Below, you will see the most significant expectations for the arrival of the 5G internet.

How Can 5G Internet Improve Connectivity?

Increased connectivity is among the main expectations regarding the arrival of this technology, which promises to promote a new revolution on the internet. However, this task will not be easy, given the constant need for work, studies and practical tests to reach the pinnacle of making 5G access available to corporations around the world.

Even those who are used to high-speed internet will likely be surprised by the change in performance provided by 5G internet due to the increased speed in exchanging information.

Studies indicate that by 2020, almost 50 billion devices will be connected, requiring a more robust, faster and stable network. Everything suggests that 5G internet, mainly due to its ability to establish connectivity, improve processing and accelerate the distribution of large volumes of data, will be responsible for meeting this demand.

Other improvements that should be generated are the quality of videoconferences, reduction of crashes, and audio delays, among different resolutions of problems that usually interfere with communication. Later, we will show some estimates of the impacts of 5G on corporate technological environments.

How Can 5G Internet Impact IT Companies?

5G Internet should also improve the tools offered to employees to identify problems that make systems performance unfeasible, reducing latency and unavailability periods.

The new support improves the waiting time for customer requests due to improved working conditions with data flow and easier centralized management of networks.

There is no denying that technological developments are happening faster and faster; the arrival of the 5G Internet is further proof of this.

Billions of connected devices, ultra-fast downloads, and faster page loading should contribute to the evolution of internet functionalities, directly impacting the IT market.

A company in which employees work connected with wearables, watches, computers, televisions, or cell phones is no longer new. Thanks to the boom that will likely be generated by 5G internet, other trends are also expected to become popular due to the increase in connectivity, such as innovations in cars, work tools, household appliances, sneakers, light bulbs and many other items.

The relationship between man and machines will also change. For example, thanks to the expansive technology of the fifth generation, it will be possible to use apps to program the time to turn on the coffee maker, the television, the notebook, activate the defrosting of dinner and control many other actions remotely.  

How Fast Is The 5G Internet?

Developers are working to make 5G reach 1 GBPS (gigabit per second). Companies currently use a standard of 25 MBPS (megabit per second) in internet speed so the increase will be significant.

This means the fifth generation of mobile internet will provide greater peace of mind in day-to-day business operations. This will make making quality video calls or downloading heavy corporate applications easier and faster.

Advances in home office and employee mobility are other advantages, in addition to speed gains in online services and many other operational improvements for companies.

However, all these advantages will only be available if the corporation has an adequate infrastructure to receive this type of technology. It will, therefore, be necessary to use equipment capable of operating at the 5G internet standard.

Progress In Virtual Assistance

Managing appointments recorded in the calendar, creating to-do lists or sending emails are tasks employees can perform while commuting to work. This is feasible because of the services provided by virtual assistants. 

the 5G internet should allow even more “learning” for the machine to be increasingly “intelligent” and complete when performing complex tasks with online assistance.

Virtual assistance that responds quickly and solves problems, in addition to evolving more and more according to new user experiences, is among the main positive changes brought about by the advancement of this technology.

A high-performance internet generates changes in the habits of consumers, who increasingly seek to interact with their devices. Companies need to understand this scenario if they want to survive the future of 5G internet.

Also Read: Impacts And Benefits Of The 5G Technology For Companies

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